The Repository of VTEI
id: 26681
Title: Methods for assessing the competitiveness and attractiveness of tourist destinations
Authors: Korzh N.
Keywords: destinations, dissatisfaction of consumers distance, competitiveness
Date of publication: 2021-02-08 17:11:18
Last changes: 2021-02-08 17:11:18
Year of publication: 2016
Summary: Methods for assessing the competitiveness of tourist destinations were analyzed at the macro and local level. Were analyzed processes of formation and development of tourist destinations and the existing criteria for assessing their competitiveness. Discusses the concept formation of competitiveness of tourist destinations and the methodology of its evaluation. Based on the determination of the coefficient of efficiency of economic activities of the tourist destination and the total coefficient of efficiency of the tourist destination it is possible to calculate the effect of attracting investments for the development of tourist destinations. Assessment of the cost to reach the target of level of competitiveness is suggested to calculate with the help of the integral index of competitiveness of the destination.
Publication type: Монографія (видана за кордоном)
Publication: Modern Tendencies in Business and Public Sector : мonograph. Opole : The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2016. Pр. 231-238
In the collections: Монографії/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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