The Repository of VTEI
id: 26033
Title: Study of the influence of micellar casein and spelt flour on yoghurt quality indicators
Authors: Polischuk G., Breus N., Kochubey-Litvinenko O., Osmak T., Semko T., Borova M.
Keywords: yogurt, micellar casein, spelled, optimization of the composition, comprehensive quality indicator
Date of publication: 2021-01-11 12:12:19
Last changes: 2021-01-11 12:12:19
Year of publication: 2020
Summary: The aim of the research is to study the effect of protein-containing ingredients of animal and plant origin on the quality in-dicators of yoghurt for the scientific substantiation of its recipe composition. Micellar casein and spelled f lour are characterized by high nutritional value, exhibit functional and technological properties and can significantly affect the quality indicators of yogurt. To confirm this, the possibility of complete replacement of the structure stabilizer in the composition of yoghurt with micellar casein and spelled f lour, both separately and in various ratios, was studied. As a single criterion for optimizing the recipe composition of yoghurt at various ratios between casein and spelled f lour, product quality indicators were used: the degree of syneresis, effective viscosity, organoleptic indicators. The optimal values of the single criteria were obtained at different ranges of ratios between natural ingredients, which don’t allow developing uniform recommendations for the formulation of a new type of yogurt. Therefore, to study the combined effect of protein and spelled f lour on the characteristics of yoghurt and the coefficients of their significance, a complex quality indicator was used. This indicator was determined as a function of estimates of single quality indicators, converted to scaled values, taking into account the coefficients of significance of individual indicators. Using a complex quality indicator, the ranges of optimal values of the content of micellar casein and spelled f lour in yoghurt were established. So, when adding casein in an amount of 1.25 to 3.0 % and spelled f lour – 0.75 to 1.50 %, the quality of yoghurt reached its maximum value. The use of these ingre-dients alone showed a significantly lower technological effect in comparison with their compositions. Therefore, a conclusion was made about the synergistic interaction of casein and spelled f lour, as well as the advisability of using the compositional composition of these ingredients in the yogurt technology.
Publication type: Стаття Web of Science
Publication: Eureka: life sciences. 2020. № (4). P. 44-52
In the collections: Публікація у Web of Science/ Публікації в наукометричних базах даних/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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