The Repository of VTEI
id: 25562
Title: Предикати якості у формально-граматичній структурі речення української мови = Тhe predicates of quality in the formal-gramatic sentence structure of ukrainian language
Authors: Tymkova V.A., Lebedieva N.A.
Keywords: quality predicates, syntactic unit, sentence structure, qualitative adjectives, category of valence, personalized predicate.
Date of publication: 2020-12-11 09:44:28
Last changes: 2020-12-11 09:44:28
Year of publication: 2018
Summary: The article presents the tendencies for the complexity of research on syntax, which is due to an attempt to penetrate more deeply into the mechanism of the language syntactic level functioning in general and each of its units in particular. The semantic approach to the study of syntactic units led to the separation of semantic syntax, which replaced the formally-grammatical, which had a fairly long tradition. It is noted that such changes in the structure of the sentence led to a new representation of the sentence as an object of research: it now became a multidimensional unit. The problem of the correlation of the two levels of the sentence structure was acquired in a modern syntax of special relevance. The essential difference of the new semantic-syntactic approach to the study of the simple sentence structure is that it is based on the semantic-syntactic category of the valency of the predicate, as in the center of the description of the formal-grammatical structure of the sentence there was a subjective-predicate nucleus.
Publication type: Монографія (видана за кордоном)
Publication: Information and Innovation Technologies in Education. Katowice : Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej w Katowicach, 2018. С. 434–447
In the collections: Монографії/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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