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id: 25456
Title: Enhancement of physical health in girls of 17-19 years by adoption of physical loads taking their somatotype into account
Authors: Miroshnichenko V., Salnykova S., Bohuslavska V., Pityn M., Furman Yu., Iakovliv V., Semeryak Z.
Keywords: physical health, physical preparation, somatic type, aerobic productivity, anaerobic (lactic) performance
Date of publication: 2020-11-25 14:57:34
Last changes: 2020-11-25 14:57:34
Year of publication: 2019
Summary: This work researches the problem of raising the level of physical health of 17 - 19 year old girls by means of physical culture taking into account their somatic type. The discovered peculiarities of displaying aerobic and anaerobic (lactatic) productivity of organism and qualitative parameters of the mobility allowed appraising the level of functional resources of girls with different somatic types. The analysis of the influence of sanitary physical trainings of different directions to aerobic and anaerobic (lactatic) organism’s productivity, qualitative parameters of the mobility and functional state of cardiorespiration system among girls with different somatic types, allowed finding out the effective routines of trainings, which are up to the individual features of organisms. It is established that the representatives of endomorphy end balanced somatic type have greater possibility to improve aerobic productivity and physical health. The improvement of qualitative parameters of the mobility is caused by the direction of sanitary program. Resources for improvement of qualitative parameters of the mobility among the representatives of different somatic types are not equal. Thus, the results of our research prove the need to take into account the somatotype in order to choose the direction of physical education, which corresponds to the individual capabilities of the organism. This will enable to increase the efficiency of physical education classes and increase the level of physical health and qualitative parameters of physical fitness of students.
Publication type: Стаття Scopus
Publication: Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2019. Vol. 19, P. 387-392
In the collections: Публікація у Scopus/ Публікації в наукометричних базах даних/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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