Репозиторій ВТЕІ
Стаття Scopus
25826 Modification of existing methods of visualization of offset face skin structure Romanyuk S.O., Romanyuk O.N., Pavlov S.V., Romanyuk O.V., Dobrovolska N.V. 2020-12-28 291
25817 Simulation of data safety components for corporative systems Yaremko S.A., Kuzmina E.M., Savchuk T.O., Krivonosov V.E., Smolarz A., Abenov A., Smailova S., Kalizhanova A. 2020-12-25 262
25791 Methods and techniques for evaluating effectiveness of information technology implementation into business processes Kuzmina E.M, Yaremko S.V., Ignatovska R.V., Sichko T.V., Smolarz A., Smailova S. 2020-12-25 262
25785 Grounding the enterprise development options with application of production functions Nikolina I.I., Bondar M.V. 2020-12-25 409
25738 The essence of the «economic risk» concept: Retrospective and modernity Radzihovska L., Ivashchuk O. 2020-12-23 1212
25704 The introduction of the electronic form of control measures as a means of corruption prevention in higher education Ivashchuk O.V., Radzikhovska L.M. 2020-12-23 285
25668 Model of Integral Assessment of Innovation Implementation in Higher Educational Establishments Yaremko S., Nikolina I., Kuzmina E., Pugach S., Wójcik W., Denissova N., Kozbakova A. 2020-12-21 274
25526 Features of building a managerial career based on entrepreneurship education Stoyan R.K., Moroz I., Mushynska N., Kovin’ko O., Kovalchuk S. 2020-12-04 230
25523 Left-handed and right-handed fencers in the international sports arena: specifics of their competitive activity and features of identification Shynkaruk O., Ulan A., Bondar A., Iakovenko O., Strohanov S., Pavlenko I., Goncharenko I., Krasnianskiy K. 2020-12-03 373
25508 The physical development of children who have a functionally single heart ventricle as a basis for working physical rehabilitation technology after a hemodynamic correction Vitomskiy V., Hruzevych I., Salnykova S., Sulyma A., Kormiltsev V., Kyrychenko Yu., Sarafinjuk L. 2020-11-30 255
25507 Psychophysiological conditions and competition in highly qualified combat sambo wrestlers Tron R., Hruzevych I., Salnykova S., Kormiltsev V., Sarafynyuk P., Kyrychenko Yu., Yakusheva Yu., Kropta R. 2020-11-30 288
25493 Algorithm for estimating factors influencing intensification of production of industrial enterprises Sharko V, Andrusenko N. 2020-11-27 334
25481 Features of the physical development of children with functionally single heart ventricle as a basis of the physical rehabilitation technology after a hemodynamic correction Vitomskiy V., Kormiltsev V., Hruzevych I., Salnykova S., Shevchuk Yu., Yakusheva Yu. 2020-11-26 183
25476 Energy supply capacity when using different exercise modes for young 17-19- year-old men Drachuk S., Bohuslavska V., Pityn M., Furman Yu., Kostiukevych V., Gavrylova N., Salnykova S., Didyk T. 2020-11-25 305
25459 Research on the brain asymmetry of qualified athletes using dance sport as an example Spesyvykh O., Lopatenko G., Polianychko O., Vorobiova A., Lytvynchuk L., Salnykova S. 2020-11-25 257
25458 Combined application of aquafitness and the endogenous-hypoxic breathing technique for the improvement of physical condition of 30-49-year-old women Salnykova S., Hruzevych I., Bohuslavska V., Nakonechnyi I., Kyselytsia O., Pityn M. 2020-11-25 311
25456 Enhancement of physical health in girls of 17-19 years by adoption of physical loads taking their somatotype into account Miroshnichenko V., Salnykova S., Bohuslavska V., Pityn M., Furman Yu., Iakovliv V., Semeryak Z. 2020-11-25 356
25453 Mechanisms of formation the training effects in athletes with application of swimmer’s snorkel devise during the aerobic loads Kropta R., Hruzevych I., Zhyrnov O., Sulyma A., Salnykova S., Kormiltsev V., Poliak V. 2020-11-25 376