The Repository of VTEI
Стаття Scopus
27154 Assessment of digitalization of public management and administration at the level of territorial communities Nikolina I.I., Hulivata І.О. , Husak L.Р. , Radzihovska L.М. 2021-06-15 445
26767 Entrepreneurial decisions in the field of innovation project management Hilorme T., Volik V., Slovska I., Bogatska N., Suprun S. 2021-02-18 350
26732 Improvement of the motor structure of the paddle technique of qualified female athletes in rowing Gamali V., Potop V., Bondar A., Salnykova S., Shynkaruk O., Shevchuk O., Ulan A. 2021-02-10 283
26715 Resource-based view in managing financial component of corporate capital Korzh N., Mostenska T., Bilan Y. 2021-02-09 363
26676 Структурування корпоративного капіталу Корж Н.В. 2021-02-08 367
26576 Evaluation of the Convergence of International Markets for Agricultural Enterprises of Ukraine under International Diversification Conditions Tanasiichuk A.M., Kovalchuk S., Hromova O., Hryhorenko I., Fedortsova O. 2021-02-01 803
26565 Determinants of "green entrepreneurship" competitive strategies implementation in the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine Stadnyk V., Krasovska G., Pchelianska G., Holovchuk Y. 2021-02-01 302
26508 Strategy of internationalization by Ukrainian meat producers’ implementation Tanasiichuk A., Hromova О., Abdullaieva А., Holovchuk Y., Sokoliuk K. 2021-01-26 301
26505 Market Researches which Are Conducted for Introduction of New Product on the Market Tanasiichuk A., Hromova О., Holovchuk Y., Serednytska L., Shevchuk A. 2021-01-26 299
26421 Entrepreneurship Education of Future Economists in the Process of Preparation Logosha R., Bondarenko V., Samokhval O., Pavelkiv R., Petrenko O. 2021-01-22 204
26321 Mathematical modeling of the extraction process of oil-containing raw materials with pulsed intensification of heat of mass transfer Kolyanovska L.M., Palamarchuk I.P., Sukhenko Y.G., Mushtruk M.M., Sukhenko V.Y., Vasuliev V.P., Semko T.V., Tyshchenko L.M. 2021-01-18 249
26314 Implementation of Marketing Audit into the Sphere of Electronic Entrepreneurship Zamkova N., Bondarenko V., Pchelianska G., Artyukh O., Murenko T. 2021-01-18 274
26261 Human resource accounting in the system of value-based business management Pokynchereda V.V., Gudzenko N.M., Nastenko M.M. 2021-01-15 228
26251 Development of accounting in the conditions of the functioning of the informational economy Kotseruba N., Bielous N., Kovalchuk S., Kopchykova I., Bondar T. 2021-01-15 204
26222 The Normal Distribution Formalization for Investment Economic Project Evaluation Using the Monte Carlo Method Bilenko D., Lavrov B., Onyshchuk N., Polyakov B., Kabenok Yu. 2021-01-14 256
26053 Determining the effect of casein on the quality indicators of ice cream with different fat content Polishchuk G., Breus N., Shevchenko I., Gnitsevych V., Yudina T., Nozhechkina-Yeroshenko G., Semko T. 2021-01-11 273
26009 Effective management as the basis for economic development Polovenko L.P., Stepova S.V. 2021-01-10 293
25853 Entrepreneurship activity in the service sector in globalization conditions Martynova L., Chorna N., Yurchyk I., Marshuk L., Andrusenko N. 2020-12-29 231
25852 Evaluation system formation of development of enterprises innovation potential Chorna N., Bondarenko V., Martynova L., Sukhorebra T., Seheda S. 2020-12-29 270
25833 Real-time deformations of function-based surfaces using perturbation functions Vyatkin S.I., Romanyuk A.N., Savytska L.A., Troianovska T.I. , Dobrovolska N.V. 2020-12-28 298