The Repository of VTEI
Кафедра фізичного виховання та спорту
25459 Research on the brain asymmetry of qualified athletes using dance sport as an example Spesyvykh O., Lopatenko G., Polianychko O., Vorobiova A., Lytvynchuk L., Salnykova S. СSc 2020-11-25 251
25458 Combined application of aquafitness and the endogenous-hypoxic breathing technique for the improvement of physical condition of 30-49-year-old women Salnykova S., Hruzevych I., Bohuslavska V., Nakonechnyi I., Kyselytsia O., Pityn M. СSc 2020-11-25 294
25457 Фізичне виховання = Рhysical education Бондар А.А., Сальникова С.В., Пуздимір М.І. Рп 2020-11-25 130
25456 Enhancement of physical health in girls of 17-19 years by adoption of physical loads taking their somatotype into account Miroshnichenko V., Salnykova S., Bohuslavska V., Pityn M., Furman Yu., Iakovliv V., Semeryak Z. СSc 2020-11-25 345
25455 Фізичне виховання. Легка атлетика = Рhysical education. Аthletics Пуздимір М.І. Рп 2020-11-25 123
25454 Фізичне виховання. Футбол = Рhysical education. Football Бондар А.А. Рп 2020-11-25 147
25453 Mechanisms of formation the training effects in athletes with application of swimmer’s snorkel devise during the aerobic loads Kropta R., Hruzevych I., Zhyrnov O., Sulyma A., Salnykova S., Kormiltsev V., Poliak V. СSc 2020-11-25 343
25452 Correlation of maximum oxygen consumption with component composition of the body, body mass of men with different somatotypes aged 25-35 Miroshnichenko V.M., Furman Y.M., Brezdeniuk O.Yu., Onyshchuk V.E., Gavrylova N.V., Salnykova S.V. СWeof 2020-11-25 285